Welcome Education Water & Sanitation Contact & Policies

Exilda’s Angels is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with charity number 1141241 and company number 07327468.
The registered office is 4 Heasman Close, Newmarket, England, CB8 0GR
Contact us via info@exildasangels.org

The contents of the website including text and pictures are ©Exilda’s Angels unless indicated otherwise

Building the 3 new Classrooms

This page will be used to show progress in the build. It shows photos and videos of the build

Phase 2: The Walls


Progress to November 13, 2024

These pictures were taken from a 3 minute “walk around the walls” video. It can be seen by members of the

Exilda’s Angels Facebook Group (Join)

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Progress to November 13, 2024 Video. It can be seen by members of the Exilda’s Angels Facebook Group (Join)