Welcome Education Water & Sanitation Contact & Policies

Exilda’s Angels is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with charity number 1141241 and company number 07327468.
The registered office is 4 Heasman Close, Newmarket, England, CB8 0GR
Contact us via info@exildasangels.org

The contents of the website including text and pictures are ©Exilda’s Angels unless indicated otherwise

We want to provide 3 additional classrooms built to the same specification as those completed in 2014 as below.

Chita Primary School Extension


The land is already available

Follow the story of
Chita Village Primary School

Project 2 Financials Mud Brick Buildings

Funding    Building                  Opening                       Links             Growth             Extension        Future

For the financial situation see here

For progress of the build see here

A local project team has been established

For the financial situation see here

Figures obscured for  commercial reasons

Architectural Plans are prepared

Bill of Materials. Set up and costs obtained

Costs redacted
 for commercial reasons

Timing Plan established. Dates will be added once first funds received in Zambia