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Exilda’s Angels is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with charity number 1141241 and company number 07327468.
The registered office is 4 Heasman Close, Newmarket, England, CB8 0GR
Contact us via info@exildasangels.org

The contents of the website including text and pictures are ©Exilda’s Angels unless indicated otherwise

Building the 3 new Classrooms

This page will be used to show progress in the build. It will show individual photos of the latest phases which will then be put into picture galleries to best manage space on the page

Phase 1: The Slab which includes foundations and the concrete base


The next step was putting in the blocks for foundations. Left is the first a delivery of materials for the concrete foundation footing and slab. Below shows all 42 tons of river sand have been delivered.

The first step “Structure Settings” i.e. planning out where foundations need to be dug. That was carried out on July 24, 2024.

The pictures on the right show the work being carried out

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The second step was digging the trenches for the foundations. This unskilled work was carried out by villagers under supervision by the contractor, starting on August  9, 2024

Cement goes in for the “footings” a concrete base on which the foundation blockwork will be built

Click to play movie

The blockwork for the foundations were put in,  showing progress on August 26 on the left. The work was completed, inspected by the District Building Officer (below right) on August 30 and signed off for work to continue to the next stage  …. Putting down the concrete slab.   For longer versions of the videos see the Exilda’s Angels Facebook page.