Exilda’s Angels is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with charity number 1141241 and company number 07327468.
The registered office is 4 Heasman Close, Newmarket, England, CB8 0GR
Contact us via info@exildasangels.org
The contents of the website including text and pictures are ©Exilda’s Angels unless indicated otherwise
Building the 3 new Classrooms
This page will act as an index to show progress of the building of the 3 classroom extensio with links to photos and videos of the each phase.
Phase 1: The Slab which includes foundations and the concrete base
Preparing the slab took place in several subphases:
(Click here for the details)
Work has started on construction of the walls.
For more photos click here
The first part will be blockwork to the “Window level”