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Exilda’s Angels is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with charity number 1141241 and company number 07327468.
The registered office is 4 Heasman Close, Newmarket, England, CB8 0GR
Contact us via info@exildasangels.org

The contents of the website including text and pictures are ©Exilda’s Angels unless indicated otherwise


The charity was originally founded in partnership with UK registered charity "Lloyd's Register". As a non profit organisation "Lloyd's Register" encouraged it's employees to develop charity and community projects in 2010 as part of its 250 year service, the “LR250” campaign initiated by the CEO “to encourage employees to get involved with their local communities to do something that matters. Our 250 anniversary will be about looking forward and this campaign lets us celebrate all the things that Lloyd's Register stands for by making a positive contribution”.

In January 2010 a group of colleagues at Lloyds Register got together because they wanted to do something to help others and, after much soul-searching, they decided to build a school in Africa, in the small Zambian town of Mpika.

Led by Exilda Mungulube, originally from Mpika, Zambia they formed a charity called ‘Exilda’s Angels’ and through various fund-raising initiatives, they raised the necessary funds to build Chita village primary school, which duly opened in October 2014.

Many other people and organisations have been motivated by the vision of this project and have joined to raise funds.

Up to 460 children are now being taught daily in the school (designed for 100 children) by the permanent teachers. These are children who, without this school, may never have received a proper education. The distance to the existing schools and the onus put on parents to fund the children getting to the existing schools, means that many families cannot afford for their children to attend school.

The building materials for the school were funded by the charity, as were the salaries for a local project manager, who was employed to manage the coordination of materials and labour, plus a few local builders, without which it would be very difficult to ensure a quality and timely completion. The local community all chipped in and the building work was verified by the local Ministry of Education according to government plans and regulations.

Because they were so involved in the building of the school, the local community are hugely committed to the school and to its future. We believe strongly in empowering the community to be part of their own development and future. The local education authority has also been hugely supportive by taking on full management and running costs of the school and teaching staff.

Life expectancy in Zambia is between 45 to 50 years, and to help the Zambian people improve their own lives, it is important that children are educated at an early age and are given the opportunity to have a proper education, so they in turn can move into good jobs and further improve their society.

Having successfully built and opened a 3 classroom school, and added a house for the headteacherand  water and sanitation facilities, we are committed to help further the people of Zambia, with the provision of further classrooms, , but to do that we will need further funds.

Other than paying for the local project manager, and builders, we have few, if any overheads. All trustees in the UK work completely voluntarily and any donations will go directly and wholly to buying materials so that we can expand the school.

We have a clear vision about what we want to do. We are committed, passionate and enthusiastic and we can deliver! We learned a number of important lessons during the process of building the school which will make it far easier to progress future projects. We have also built up good relations with the local authorities. Some of the trustees have visited the school at their own expense and were made incredibly welcome by the whole village.

You only have to look at the faces of the children being taught in a classroom for the first time in their lives, to know that this is a worthwhile venture.

We have started to make a difference to a small community in Zambia. We hope that our investment in time, energy and money, will lead to better educated young adults who can take up responsible positions in Zambia, and make an even bigger difference to the local community in the future.

In the UK, a small amount of money will not go far, but when it is translated into materials it will go a long way in Africa.

So JOIN US today in making a difference to someone’s life. A small donation on your part may put a smile on another child’s face in Zambia.

Background & History